How to secure God’s intervention for restoration of your health.
Joy is a divine therapy for healthy living. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones… Proverbs 17:22. You need joy to be healed and ward off sickness hence a healthy life despite the present state we must embrace joy in our heart and jealousy safeguard it to enjoy sound health and vitality. Joy is a fundamental requirement for securing divine health. He will only intervene at the point of joy. Isaiah 58:11.
Joy is a free for all virtue that God has made available to every believer. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and you are entitled to it hence there should be no reason for being downcast. Read, Galatians 5:22. Many an offer to sin shall satan make the believer because he knows your being defiled is enemy to the Spirit birthing joy in you, hence an open door to sickness. As earlier stated we need to safe guard our heart that we may not lose the joy of salvation. David in: Psalms 51:12 cries thus: “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free Spirit”.
Secondly we secure our intervention via the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the spirit of joy and gladness. The Holy Spirit is also the oil of gladness. The is always hope for a believer under sickness for as long as the spirit resides in him. He has the power; oil of joy and gladness resident in him hence is able to arise even if he fells seven times. Your situation in being turned around in Jesus name.
The revelation of the word of god also stimulates joy in our hearts. Stumbling upon revelation of the word of God powers one to joy. This is the provision of the Lord for you. Joy can be found in the revelation of the word of truth. Psalm 119:162. Every child of God carries divine or unspeakable joy. Read, 1 Peter 1:8. Because joy is a facilitator of health every child of God is entitled to super health.
Having joy is having access to restoration of health….. For a merry heart doeth good like medicine. God can in no way mis-prescribe for. Every time God counsels on any matter especially on your health, be assured that it is both equal to and greater than that issue. So when he speaks joy and gladness BE FULLY PERSUADED He indeed is spot on.
One of the characteristics of joy is that it provokes praise. Read, James 5:13. Praise is one of the most formidable avenues of bringing heaven on earth. Psalms 22:3, 2 Chronicles 5:13. Where praise is life is.
Knowing that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we should deeply appreciate that when we praise Gog his Mighty power (glory) fills the house. As the glory fills us the forces of wickedness even sickness advice themselves away from the tabernacle of heaven…. On earth. Where God is sickness and sorrow have to flee. Read, Psalms 114:7. Despite being dead for four days Lazarus, Jesus found reason to thank God right there in front of a decomposing body. Joy is a requirement of for supernatural turnaround because it brings divine intervention. John 11:41-44. Complaining and murmuring worsens the matter. Maintain your joy and weep not. Stay blessed in Jesus name.