Welcome to the month of July. God has
spoken, that you belong to the top this month. Put it another way, you are a
city set on a hill, for all to see. It is a realm of success you are entering
into today. You will succeed, in Jesus’ name.
God has packaged success for you this
month. As you succeed, you will understand that it is not your effort only that
will put you on top. God’s factor, God’s grace and predestination are
contributors too, besides your little effort. Divine backing is what makes
people stand out as success stories. Remove God from your plans and everything
will collapse. Why? He is the author of success. Success has pillars. In order
to stand out as a success story, there must be some things backing you. These
are the things we call pillars of success. What are they? Any fool can be a
success if he cares to know how to.
Vision can be defined simply as seeing
into the plan and purpose of God for your life. It means to see ahead. It is
the fuel of success. No man can succeed, or leave the valley when he had a
blind mind. When you can’t see, you can’t succeed. How far you go in life is
determined by how far you can see. Darkness has covered this earth and gross
darkness has compassed the people about and for you to escape it, you need
gross light. That can only be available
by vision. How fast you move is a function of what you can see. Read
Proverbs 28. If you see what belongs to you, you can’t be stopped from
getting it. That’s why we define the year, the month, the week to release light
into your eyes, to see where you belong.
Power of Vision
When we read in Genesis 12:1-3, Abraham was a gallant failure by then; 75 years old
in his father’s house, no children. He picked him from there, with the above
appointment letter! If you see what is preached and put it into practice, this
Abraham order of blessing becomes yours too. Why many stagnate is because they
don’t care to practice what God says, but not so any more. You will see it the
way you hear it from today, in Jesus’ name. Genesis 13:14, this verse
means that you begin where you are, whether sick, indebted, frustrated etc,
look!! If you don’t see what belongs to you, you can’t possess it. Your mind is
your covenant eye; you use it to see where you are going. If you see it, and
you are convinced that it is yours, God must give it to you. Men of success
live and abide in their vision. The happiest men are those who live in their
future because the past and the present are dented with errors. Build pictures
in your mind of what you want to have in the next few years. That is vision. Jeremiah 1:11: What you don’t see
coming your way will never come. Many of us pray, but don’t take any steps at
all. Nothing will fall like manna. You must begin by seeing. Vision commits God
to perform. See it in the word, you will commit God to deliver it into your
hands. Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart so is he …….You
cannot rise above your thinking pattern. Think big, pray, take steps. Until you
see where you are going, and know how to get there, you can die in perpetual
misery. God forbid.
Nothing renews the mind like heavenly
news. And at the root of every transformation is information. To be uninformed
is to be deformed. Your mind is the seat of information, the store house. E. W.
Kenyon said, make your brain work, it will sweat and improve until you become a
wonder to your generation. Information empowers the mind. Every extra
information enlarges the capacity of your mind. The depth of information
determines largely the greatness of your mind. Information is the food of the
mind. The more informed you are the more
productive your mind becomes.
do I access information?
The most effective avenue for
information acquisition is reading.
2 Tim 2:15. The quality of
information that finds its way into your mind determines the quality of your
life and your mind. With formal school (training), you become a worker; with
informal training (education) you become a leader, pace-setter. There is a big
difference between schooling and education. Schooling is formal resulting in
professions, but education makes you a leader. The problem with leadership in
Africa is that we have leaders who are not informed at all, yet they want to
lead. They don’t read any book to enlarge their minds. That’s the reason for
mediocrity around. Anthony Robins read 700 books while in High School, became a
consultant to the US army and IT companies. When you read you become a leader.
Benjamin Franklin dropped at primary 2, yet he became America’s greatest
philosopher and built a high class university. All this by information. Books will reform you. What you
want in life, search through books and the answers will come.
Vision and information will produce your
lifting only if you add to it hard work. Many people in the church don’t like
working. God no longer rains manna from heaven. He has only promised to bless
the work of our hands. Prov. 22:29. Hard work means using a lot of physical or
mental effort to make something succeed. You don’t become diligent because you
are a hawker or engineer. The career you are in does not deliver hard work
directly to you. You deliberately work on it yourself. Psalms 1:3. Many
Christians complain of harassment by their bosses at work, but carefully
examined, a discovery will show that they report late at work. If you are lazy
man, no boss can treat you well. Hard work is what produces amazing results.
Joseph was a hard worker in prison, how much more you, who are not a slave.
Success is not a native of the west neither is failure a native of Africa. In
the west they are blessed because they work hard, they mind what to do per
time, but in Africa, we have grown-ups who don’t do anything at all to make
life meaningful. There is no future in the kingdom of God for the lazy! You
cannot be diligent and lack testimonies. A house that is not occupied however
classic it will soon collapse. In the same way a Christian and believer whose
body is not engaged in work will soon attract sickness. God forbid. God is a
worker; right from Gen. 2:2-8, 2:15 God planted a garden. He is a hard worker. If
this be so, as Christians we need to emulate him. Why are you the only one
complaining that there are no jobs, while others are going to work? Be a
worker, like our fathers in the faith, both in scriptures and contemporary
life. How can you be 45 and not working? Work makes you look younger while
laziness makes you grow old too fast. No matter how ugly it looks, does that
work whole-heartedly; soon your name will become a household name. God has
ordained you to be a pace-setter in your area of endeavor. Put your hands to
work, hard work and you will get there in Jesus’ name.
of Hard Work
Hard work quickens your faith. James
2:14, 17. Put your faith to work because faith without works is dead.
It takes work for your faith to produce.
Hard work provides an opportunity for
you to accomplish your purpose in life. Until you take responsibility in your
area by diligence, you cannot have dominion.
To be at the top in life you need to add
to vision, information and diligence, character. Character is what will sustain
you at the top. If you have a shop and you decide that every day you must have
a break of 2 hours to rest, very soon you will close. Everyone will know you
lack character, and they’ll abandon your shop. Why should you close your shop
early and open late? In that office if
it is only the coat that is present while you have gone out for hours, you are
stealing the employer’s time. That denied you promotion. It is called lack of
character. Are you employed in that saloon? Why report late and leave early?
Will you keep that job? Mind character because it will sustain you. As a
christian, you must be a hard worker, to maintain that top position. May God
keep you at the top all your days in Jesus Name. Keep character, it will
sustain you at the top. Embrace these pillars, soon you will become a household
name in this land in Jesus Name.