Sunday, 21 September 2014

Foundation For Kingdom Wealth

This is our time of lifting where God rolls away shame and clothes you with glory. As you read, receive the word and believe it, I see you entering your realms of enviable, sweat free, sorrow free blessings, in Jesus precious name. See you at the top!

It is our time of lifting. Our time of lifting up is here. All that needs to be done is to dig into God’s word to unearth the secrets behind financial prosperity. It is the blessing of the lords that makes rich and is sorrow free. Having said this, let us examine briefly from scriptures, the foundation for kingdom prosperity or wealth.


Job 22:21-25. Revelation is that process through which the written word moves from the Bible into your heart. Many have it in their bibles and note books but not in the heart. When it enters your inner man it becomes revelation. You cannot prosper outside before you prosper inside.

3 John 2. It is the entrance of the word that gives light or revelation. This is a heart, not head factor. Take the word, meditate on it, roll it again in your heart, and as it prospers in your heart, you prosper on the outside too. That’s revelation.

Job 22:23. A return to the almighty is a start of being rebuilt. You must make a deliberate decision to put away sin from your dealings. As a businessman, career man, put away sin. If you call on God while a sinner, you cannot have effect. You must not be found in certain places, there are things you are not to touch, things you must not do, if you are to benefit from kingdom prosperity. This is a personal, conscious decision you take.

It is our prayer that God will renew and rekindle the fire of love for him and for man. This is the whole essence of Christianity, and we need it. It is what we are living for. 1 Cor 2:9-. There are prepared things for God’s lovers. 2 Chron 16:9(2)

There are attitudes we must carry if we are to prosper in the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom wealth is real and possible is important to carry this mentality. No matter how long you fast or how often you give, if you don’t believe in the reality of the kingdom prosperity, you cannot enjoy it. You mind actually determines what your hand can handle. If it is not in your heart, it can never come to your hands. Prov 23:7 (a). You cannot rise above your belief system. When I discovered from God’s word that it is possible, my life changed forever. Psalm 112:1-3. Yes, we can. That is how Barrack Obama took over the highest office on earth. If you are blessed, you can’t lie, you can’t be tempted to change figures in your office. Riches have to do with having more than enough. When one car breaks down, another one is available. That is wealth. Every Christian must believe God to have at least one car.

“I call heaven an dearth to record this day  against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” Kingdom wealth is a matter of personal decision. I open my mouth everyday and choose wealth. I declare myself blessed. Wealth is so much in my system that I can’t keep quiet about it. It is a personal choice to stay blessed or cursed. I am blessed every day because I realize that choice with my mouth, just as it is written; Psalm 68. Make your choice too.

 There is what you must not eat, what you must not touch, if you do, you have chosen poverty. Read, Job 36:11. No devil can make them poor! No prayer, anointing or Holy communion can help you if you eat your tithe. It s obedience to heavenly principles that guarantees prosperity and violation of the same is a sure recipe for poverty. Read Isaiah 1:19. Isaac planted seeds and reaped a hundredfold. When people are sowing, don’t fold your hands, if you expect Kingdom wealth to come your way. Kenneth Copeland sowed a seed of his cloth buttons when an offering was called for. God saw his heart. Today he has given out twenty six aircraft.  ArchBishop Benson Idaahosa of blessed memory gave his wife! He pushed her to the altar saying “She’s my offering”. Poverty said bye bye to him. One man In Kampala took off his shoes and gave God. He got a job, a car and comfort. God sees the heart. Obedience is very crucial. God does not need your money, but you need him.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Four Pillars Of Success

Welcome to the month of July. God has spoken, that you belong to the top this month. Put it another way, you are a city set on a hill, for all to see. It is a realm of success you are entering into today. You will succeed, in Jesus’ name.

God has packaged success for you this month. As you succeed, you will understand that it is not your effort only that will put you on top. God’s factor, God’s grace and predestination are contributors too, besides your little effort. Divine backing is what makes people stand out as success stories. Remove God from your plans and everything will collapse. Why? He is the author of success. Success has pillars. In order to stand out as a success story, there must be some things backing you. These are the things we call pillars of success. What are they? Any fool can be a success if he cares to know how to.


Vision can be defined simply as seeing into the plan and purpose of God for your life. It means to see ahead. It is the fuel of success. No man can succeed, or leave the valley when he had a blind mind. When you can’t see, you can’t succeed. How far you go in life is determined by how far you can see. Darkness has covered this earth and gross darkness has compassed the people about and for you to escape it, you need gross light.  That can only be available by vision. How fast you move is a function of what you can see. Read Proverbs 28. If you see what belongs to you, you can’t be stopped from getting it. That’s why we define the year, the month, the week to release light into your eyes, to see where you belong.

The Power of Vision

When we read in Genesis 12:1-3, Abraham was a gallant failure by then; 75 years old in his father’s house, no children. He picked him from there, with the above appointment letter! If you see what is preached and put it into practice, this Abraham order of blessing becomes yours too. Why many stagnate is because they don’t care to practice what God says, but not so any more. You will see it the way you hear it from today, in Jesus’ name. Genesis 13:14, this verse means that you begin where you are, whether sick, indebted, frustrated etc, look!! If you don’t see what belongs to you, you can’t possess it. Your mind is your covenant eye; you use it to see where you are going. If you see it, and you are convinced that it is yours, God must give it to you. Men of success live and abide in their vision. The happiest men are those who live in their future because the past and the present are dented with errors. Build pictures in your mind of what you want to have in the next few years. That is vision.  Jeremiah 1:11: What you don’t see coming your way will never come. Many of us pray, but don’t take any steps at all. Nothing will fall like manna. You must begin by seeing. Vision commits God to perform. See it in the word, you will commit God to deliver it into your hands. Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart so is he …….You cannot rise above your thinking pattern. Think big, pray, take steps. Until you see where you are going, and know how to get there, you can die in perpetual misery. God forbid.


Nothing renews the mind like heavenly news. And at the root of every transformation is information. To be uninformed is to be deformed. Your mind is the seat of information, the store house. E. W. Kenyon said, make your brain work, it will sweat and improve until you become a wonder to your generation. Information empowers the mind. Every extra information enlarges the capacity of your mind. The depth of information determines largely the greatness of your mind. Information is the food of the mind.  The more informed you are the more productive your mind becomes.

How do I access information?

The most effective avenue for information acquisition is reading.

2 Tim 2:15. The quality of information that finds its way into your mind determines the quality of your life and your mind. With formal school (training), you become a worker; with informal training (education) you become a leader, pace-setter. There is a big difference between schooling and education. Schooling is formal resulting in professions, but education makes you a leader. The problem with leadership in Africa is that we have leaders who are not informed at all, yet they want to lead. They don’t read any book to enlarge their minds. That’s the reason for mediocrity around. Anthony Robins read 700 books while in High School, became a consultant to the US army and IT companies. When you read you become a leader. Benjamin Franklin dropped at primary 2, yet he became America’s greatest philosopher and built a high class university. All this   by information. Books will reform you. What you want in life, search through books and the answers will come.


Vision and information will produce your lifting only if you add to it hard work. Many people in the church don’t like working. God no longer rains manna from heaven. He has only promised to bless the work of our hands. Prov. 22:29.  Hard work means using a lot of physical or mental effort to make something succeed. You don’t become diligent because you are a hawker or engineer. The career you are in does not deliver hard work directly to you. You deliberately work on it yourself. Psalms 1:3. Many Christians complain of harassment by their bosses at work, but carefully examined, a discovery will show that they report late at work. If you are lazy man, no boss can treat you well. Hard work is what produces amazing results. Joseph was a hard worker in prison, how much more you, who are not a slave. Success is not a native of the west neither is failure a native of Africa. In the west they are blessed because they work hard, they mind what to do per time, but in Africa, we have grown-ups who don’t do anything at all to make life meaningful. There is no future in the kingdom of God for the lazy! You cannot be diligent and lack testimonies. A house that is not occupied however classic it will soon collapse. In the same way a Christian and believer whose body is not engaged in work will soon attract sickness. God forbid. God is a worker; right from Gen. 2:2-8, 2:15 God planted a garden. He is a hard worker. If this be so, as Christians we need to emulate him. Why are you the only one complaining that there are no jobs, while others are going to work? Be a worker, like our fathers in the faith, both in scriptures and contemporary life. How can you be 45 and not working? Work makes you look younger while laziness makes you grow old too fast. No matter how ugly it looks, does that work whole-heartedly; soon your name will become a household name. God has ordained you to be a pace-setter in your area of endeavor. Put your hands to work, hard work and you will get there in Jesus’ name.

Benefits of Hard Work

Hard work quickens your faith. James 2:14, 17. Put your faith to work because faith without works is dead. It takes work for your faith to produce.

Hard work provides an opportunity for you to accomplish your purpose in life. Until you take responsibility in your area by diligence, you cannot have dominion. 


To be at the top in life you need to add to vision, information and diligence, character. Character is what will sustain you at the top. If you have a shop and you decide that every day you must have a break of 2 hours to rest, very soon you will close. Everyone will know you lack character, and they’ll abandon your shop. Why should you close your shop early and open late?  In that office if it is only the coat that is present while you have gone out for hours, you are stealing the employer’s time. That denied you promotion. It is called lack of character. Are you employed in that saloon? Why report late and leave early? Will you keep that job? Mind character because it will sustain you. As a christian, you must be a hard worker, to maintain that top position. May God keep you at the top all your days in Jesus Name. Keep character, it will sustain you at the top. Embrace these pillars, soon you will become a household name in this land in Jesus Name.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Fatherhood Is a Gift From God

Glory to God; as we are flying higher on the wings of faith. Knowledge and understanding of God’s word and concept is at the root of effective and living faith.

Message today takes us deep to the subject of effective fatherhood. I pray for you today that you will see and experience God’s wonders. In Jesus Name!

The word ‘Father’ in the scriptures is translated from the word ‘Abba’; which Jesus in His days calls the Almighty. Abba simply means; Provider, sustainer, protector … the list is endless! Another name of God that gives us a great insight into the meaning of that word is El-Shaddai. This means the God who has a big chest, big enough   where unto all creation can come upon to rest and draw comfort if they so will. It is amazing that the father in heaven places man on the earth to Abba his creation on his behalf. Read(Gen1:26).

He didn’t give women that divine privilege. So fatherhood is a divine privilege which when fulfilled guaranteed some peculiar blessedness. Fatherhood is a divine responsibility and it is leadership rather than being a state a man gets into wherein he brings forth offspring. It’s more than that! This is manhood and fatherhood defined in terms of   destiny which I think should be our primary understanding as we look at the subject of fatherhood and to all women   who desire to have a meaningful relationship with a man, this understanding is crucial to provoke your man to be the Abba that God has ordained him to be.
The Fatherhood Spirit
You will agree with me that God is who He is because of the spirit at work in Him. No man can be an effective Abba to those that God has placed under him without the operations of this Spirit. The concept of spirit here can be seen in terms of the ruling force that controls the spirit and soul of a man, dictating his thinking and actions. What is this fatherhood spirit? It is simply and foremost The Spirit of Commitment. Commitment to what?

Read: Prov. 13:22.
So part of the inheritance which a good man leaves for his children is the wealth of sinners which God gives to him. Every man has a divine inheritance from God, but how would a man receive that inheritance when he has no Abba to El-Shaddai him? Without the true Abba in your life, life will be a hell of struggles and those joined to you will be hard hit by the struggle. Haven’t you heard that a man can receive nothing expect it be given him (by the father) from above ….(Jn3:27). Those who are genuinely connected to God via commitment will experience the Fatherhood of the El-Shaddai, and in turn they’re in a position to Abba others. One of our sisters shared a testimony in the church quite some month ago, she and her family were hit by the 2007/08 political crisis. Hitherto, they have not been going to church but the husband was always sending tithe to church which she complained about. She felt that the money could be put to better use. But the man insisted saying; “We definitely need God!” That is fatherhood, that’s leadership! The crisis came and God sent help to them through a man whom thy have no deep relationship with.

He airfield the entire family from the crisis zone to Mombasa. He gave the husband a good job and an apartment far better than the one they were occupying. God made the crisis work for their lifting rather than allow them to wallow in the refugee camp. Now they are settled in church enjoying the goodness of God. Sir, when the winds blow against the boat you are captaining, without God where would you get the authority to rebuke them from? Will you start running helter skelter with your wife and children? Then that’s the real trouble! In MK. 4:37, the winds were blowing vehemently against the boat in which Jesus and the disciples were riding. They woke him up with a shout; Master carest not thou that we perish (verse 38).  He simply stood up and rebuked the wind and there was a calm (verse 39). No wonder, they all followed him. He even El-Shaddai men like himself! You know why, He is spiritually committed and connected to the father. So, the all ability of El-Shaddai flowed through him. God fathers every one under Him, through Him and all was well. The days are gone when men take pride in their commitment to beer and womanizing. That’s old syllabus, those are outdated men! No one wants such a father. True men are God’s men through Jesus Christ. They are men of authority. I pray that the God of heavens will open your eyes to understand. I pray that the God of heaven will put his spirit within you and raise you to such fatherhood heights in the name of Jesus!

Your family here signifies your wife foremost, and the offspring that came out of you, as God will give you the privilege in destiny, because after work (the tilling the garden), the next thing God gave a man to look after is the woman (Gen 2:22) The scriptures clearly reveal that the man is the head of the wife (Eph 5:23) and by implication, he is the head of the family. From Ps. 133 reading from verse 1, you find out that God releases the oil (Grace, empowerment, blessing and all it has to take to effectively to take care of the family in the boat to make them fulfill their destiny) on the connected and committed head. And from the head, the whole body (the family) partakes of the blessing. It is such a family that God releases His blessing (verse 3). I choose not to be a rotten head that can’t bring down God’s blessing over my family. Even when a man is connected and won’t transmit the blessings down because he has disconnected himself from his body (his family), don’t you know that God will shut off the tap of heavens. That’s why some men are dry, and they don’t know the reason. God is ever ready to floe to you as long as you will flow to your family. Read 1 Tim 5:8. Infield means someone who does not believe in God. It means an untrustworthy person. Please don’t be an untrustworthy person. Please don’t be an unworthy person in God’s sight. Your family needs the Grace of God meant to flow through you. I pray that as you choose to live in absolute commitment, the flow will begin from now henceforth.


Honor defined in terms of an honorable life means living with the sense of purpose of destiny and thereby having glorious results to show for life in all areas. Fatherhood is all about honor but fulfilling the responsibility in the grace of God is what brings that honor. Read Ps. 49:20. In this verse Perish means to become dumb or silent where your voice should be a voice of authority. It means to be down when others are being lifted up by the hands of God. All fathers are meant to be men of honor. Drunkards, womanizers and prodigal fathers can’t have honor, not even from their wives and children. No they’re not honorable they’re burdensome. Arise man, connect to God, take your place in honor and God will release his honor over your life. Yes, there may be some forces limiting you but you don’t need to remain in frustration. I pray for you today that those negative        forces frustrating your life, driving you to irresponsibility and to be a prodigal father, lose their grip over your life. Arise, take steps and come into honor and your wife and children shall call you blessed, in Jesus name.

Monday, 24 March 2014

The Winning Prayer

What the disciples did in their thirst and desire to know how to pray the Lord taught them how. That teaching did not and never came to a close because even in our days and age God is still revealing unto us the mysteries behind prayers that guarantee us breakthrough all round. Today’s message focuses on Breakthrough Prayers.

The Lord when speaking to Bishop David Oyedepo in the 18 hour vision said … the hour has come.

Truly your own hour has come where all fruitless prayers that you have been making now take a new turn. God shall transform all wildernesses round about your life into a Garden of Eden as you pray with deep understanding. Open up your heart and receive of God’s word. PEACE.

Holy Spirit we welcome you. Glorify the father, glorify Jesus and we will all be exalted and edified.

Every throne of evil shall be overthrown, judged and cancelled today in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Whatsoever has been troubling your life shall be nullified. Welcome to Zion for God is here to bless you.

When utter destruction was due and more than imminent to Jacob (as he returned home to face Esau) he separated himself unto prayers and supplications. God intervened and the destruction was turned to a testimony - a happy re-union!

For your sorrow you shall have laughter. God shall establish your breakthrough today.

Breakthrough Prayers
One way to enforce your breakthrough is by your prayers; breakthrough prayers. Pray all manner of prayers that establish different kind of results.

Breakthrough prayers are warfare prayers. The word says endure hardship as a soldier of Christ. And by redemption you must understand that you are a soldier; one who wars to subdue! As you read through the Grace to subdue will come upon you. Breakthrough prayers are warfare prayers.

When you talk of breakthrough prayers you are talking of opposition in life, which apparently many believers are no sensitive to hence their perpetual defeat and loss to the enemy.

Opposition in life are a reality. 1 Cor 16:9 for a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

If you are not moving from glory to glory and at the speed that is ordained despite your being well positioned in your relationship with God, it’s because the opposition is having a ‘field day in your life’.

Your destiny is to be at the top and not to perpetually ‘follow’. The moment the enemy overcomes you then you become stagnated. That is why continuous prayers in life are what guarantee your continuous progress. Read Pr. 4:18.

If you are going to fulfill this scripture in your life it means you are WINNING continually, just as the psalmist reiterated the same truth ….. Ps 115:14.

If this is not the case in your life then the devil is still at work in your life. One man of God said, “Your warfare accomplished is what establishes your welfare”.

Every adversity is proof of the workings of the adversary in your life. Every enchantment, curse ad divination around your life creates bulwarks (walls of Jericho). The problem is the believer is asleep while the devil is busy. But the moment we stand up the devil will give in. After tempting and being defeated by our Lord Jesus, during the 40 days of fasting, the word reveals that the devil departed from him never returning to Him again until Jesus submitted himself at the time of the crucifixion.

As you stand up in prayers satan is coming under your feet supernaturally. Satan, despite being the enemy of our soul is not our problem as it were because he is strong because many of us are not exercising our victory. Receive Grace for intercession and warfare. Remember, when blessings and progress stall despite being well positioned, the devil is warring against it. Read Matthew. 13:27.

When you read further (30) you see the end of the work of the devil. You need to secure your own deliverance for glory here upon the earth. We must come to a point in our lives where we choose the will to come to pass in our lives. And this is where contending with the devil comes in. Read Matthew 11:12.

The violence in the spirit and in faith take it by force. Evert time the forces of the spirit are deployed diligently against satan, he has no choice but to give up. Fight the good fight of faith to establish destiny and the will of God for your life. 1Timothy: 6:12.

Warfare prayers are a fight of faith and if your fight with understanding YOU WILL WIN. Winning is really taking hold of what Jesus has made available to you. It is also very important for you to understand that in warfare prayers the devil is trying to deny you access into these blessing. So we do not target the blessing for we are already assured of it, but to clear the opposition off the way to guarantee our access into the blessings. Stand up in warfare prayers and the lines shall begin to fall in pleasant places for you.

Warfare prayers are not optional nor a non-negotiable requirement for a believer. Warfare prayers guarantee our progress.

Daniel dry fasted and prayed a right and only after 21 days did he have answers to his prayers even the cause of the delay. The ‘Prince of Persia’. Withstood me said the angel. Daniels’ answers to his prayers hanged in the air. Therefore without warfare there’s no accomplished answers to prayers. Warfare must be permanent in your life.

Truths That Make Warfare Prayers Effective.

We do not fight satan in prayers but exercise our authority over him. Exercising authority is all about giving orders and instructions to they that are beneath you in rank and power.

Every believer is a child of authority. We are all under authority and can still exercise that authority. David said strangers shall hear my voice; that whatsoever answers to Jesus shall answer to him. This is the believer’s heritage. Read John 20:21.

The servant to a centurion was grievously tormented by the devil. Being a roman soldier he understood authority and knew Jesus to be an authority I the spirit and thus he spoke unto him saying you need not come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed. Read Matthew. 8:6-13.

Whatsoever is tormenting you shall pack his/her belongings out of your life in Jesus Name. Fight not the devil but exercise your authority over him in warfare prayers.

Every warrior must have his own a weapon and for you to flow in victory and progress you need a weapon too. War in the prayer room with the weapon of the word of God. 2 Cor. 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
Read also Eph 6:12

Since our battle is not carnal then our weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds – bulwarks established in the spirit. If you do not know the weapon you ought to fight with the devil will mock you while still punishing you.
God is a judge who is sited upon the throne. But he has given the sons (believers) the authority to judge upon the earth.

We are judges over evil even the house of Esau upon the earth. Therefore, the word of (God’s judgment) is precisely one of the authentic weapons for warfare against the devil.       Rev 12:11.         When you release the word in the realm of the spirit it manifests as a hammer or fuel that burns. Read     Jeremiah 23:29.

Fighting the good fight of faith to establish destiny and the will of God for yourlife. Warfare prayers must be done in righteousness to be effective. Read Psalm 45:3. Righteousness makes truth work for you. From today you will no longer fall under the feet of the wicked. You will prevail over them. Righteousness is aligning yourself to God. May you have a new beginning with God. PEACE.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Why God Wants You Blessed And Prosperous

1. To be a blessing to others.

God wants you to have money in your pocket so as to help others who are in need. When you are stingy, God can’t bless you. Read Genesis 12:2. When you are mean and you are praying to God to bless you, that prayer offends God. Proverbs 11:24-25 “there is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that with holdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

1 tim 6:17, 18 “charge them  that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded; nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate”.

If you are praying to God to bless you, also ask him to open your eyes to see where to scatter, where you can bless someone. But if you are a reservoir, who only receives everything for yourself and your children, you will remain small forever. God forbid!

2.  To make God attractive to the world.

When you are born again and you are so blessed, a good car, a good house, people will look at you and see  the color of your God through you. Many are not saved because they haven’t seen the attraction in you. Many Christians are still struggling and the world cannot be attracted to Jesus through your toiling and sweating. You must be blessed, so that your good house can attract them to Christ! I always pray that God   blesses us all. That is what is boiling in my heart. People are watching. When they see an end to sweat in you, and you bless them, they’ll follow you. We must become wealthy! Desire it with all your heart.

D. The blessing factor

Prov. 10:22 “the blessing of the lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” The blessing of the lord means a good car, good clothes, a comfortable family among other things. I am wealthy because i am blessed, not vice versa. So the blessing of God brings wealth. There is no kingdom prosperity without the blessing factor. I stir it up every day I wake up. Jesus died in shame and reproach and rose the third day, that the blessing of Abraham can come upon us. You need money to eat well. Read Also Galatians 3:13-14 

How do I stir the blessing?

(I) Live by faith
Every time you are living by faith you are stirring the blessing. Sugar in a cup cannot sweeten tea without being stirred up with a spoon. Living by faith is claiming what you believe in everyday and God is committed to.

(II) Walk in love
No strife survives in my home because when it enters a home, it stops the blessing of God and activates the curse. Where there are contentions, arguments, fights, God cannot be there. I pray for the church every day, should you have any issue, discuss openly so as to keep the blessing of God upon your life. Any man living in strife attracts no blessing at all. That shall not be your story in the name of Jesus.

E. Five dangers of strife

Where there is bickering, bitterness, contentions, there is no God. Strife destroys churches and families. This is because God lives where there is harmony and absolute calm. On the contrary, the devil’s habitat is where there is bitterness, arguments, disagreement and gossip. It is one thing that stops the move of God on any set-up.  God flees and withdraws in any strife-torn environment. Our prayer basically is that God will heal our tongues as Christians so that we can promote God’s work and create a more suitable environment for God to abide. Read Hebrews 12:14
Bitterness, quarreling, fighting is strife. Following are the woes resulting from strife.

· It makes God’s Grace to fail in your life. You are who you are by God’s Grace. When you become a backbiter, this Grace vanishes, and you become a struggler.
· Strife brings all manner of troubles sin life. Barrenness, sickness, stagnation, diseases, untimely death. 
· Strife causes many to be defiled by the devil. Whether you are striving with your children, wife, pastor, elder’s etc. Defilement is sure.
· Mental disorder: anytime you are engaged in strife, you end up lacking creativity.
· Low productivity: you see fewer results in your assignment because of  strife.

It all has its root in the tongue. Receive Grace to walk in love, be open to all men and remain ever blessed. The bonfire in your tongue will die forever, and your mouth shall always speak positively. Give your opinions to God and pray for God’s people or tell them directly, rather that light fires. You will live your Christian life ever blessed, in Jesus name

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The Attitude You Should Have To Prosper In The Kingdom Of God

1.     Agree that kingdom prosperity is possible

Kingdom wealth is real and possible is important to carry this mentality. No matter how long you fast or how often you give, if you don’t believe in the reality of the kingdom prosperity, you cannot enjoy it. You mind actually determines what your hand can handle. If it is not in your heart, it can never come to your hands. Prov 23:7 (a) “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. You cannot rise above your belief system. When i discovered from God’s word that it is possible, my life changed forever. Psalm 112:1-3 “praise ye the  lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the lord, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever.” Yes, we can. That is how barrack Obama took over the highest office on earth. If you are blessed, you can’t lie, you can’t be tempted to change figures in your office. Riches have to do with having more  than enough. When one car breaks down, another one is available. That is wealth. Every christian must believe God  to have at least  one car. Wealth is having your own plane. It is abundance of all things. A wealthy man has a jet and does not have to make noise to make news. 

2.     Kingdom wealth is by choice

“i call heaven an dearth to record this day  against you, that i have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” kingdom wealth is a matter of personal decision. I open my mouth everyday and choose wealth. I declare myself blessed. Wealth is so much in my system that i can’t keep quiet about it. It is a personal choice to stay blessed or cursed. I am blessed every day because i realize that choice with  my mouth, just as it is written; psalm 68:19 “blessed be the lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God  of our salvation”. Make your choice too. 

3.     Kingdom wealth is for the obedient

 there is what you must not eat, what you must not touch, if you do, you have chosen poverty. Read job 36:11. No devil can make them poor! No prayer, anointing or holy communion can help you if you eat your tithe. It is obedience to heavenly principles that guarantees prosperity and violation of the same is a sure recipe for poverty. Read isaiah 1:19. Isaac planted seeds and reaped a hundredfold. When people are sowing, don’t fold your hands, if you expect kingdom wealth to come your way. Kenneth copeland sowed a seed of his cloth buttons when an offering was called for. God saw his heart. Today he has given out twenty six aircraft. Archbishop benson idahosa of church of God mission international gave his wife! He pushed her to the altar saying “she’s my offering”. Poverty said bye to him. One man in Kampala took off his shoes and gave God. He got a job, a car and comfort. God sees the heart. Obedience is very crucial. God does not need your money, but you need him.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Money And Christianity | Foundation For Kingdom Wealth

Welcome to the place of lifting, where God rolls away shame and clothes you with glory. Today we are looking at the secrets that constitute the foundation for Kingdom Wealth. As you read, receive the word and believe it, I see you entering your realms of enviable, sweat free, sorrow free blessings, in Jesus precious name. See you at the top!

Our time of lifting up is here. All that needs to be done is to dig into God’s word to unearth the secrets behind financial prosperity. It is the blessing of the lords that makes rich and is sorrow free. Having said this, let us examine briefly from scriptures, the foundation for kingdom prosperity or wealth.

The Revelation

Read Job 22:21-25 Revelation is that process through which the written word moves from the Bible into your heart. Many have it in their bibles and note books but not in the heart. When it enters your inner man it becomes revelation. You cannot prosper outside before you prosper inside.

3 John 2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul propereth”. It is the entrance of the word that gives light or revelation. This is a heart, not head factor. Take the word, meditate on it, roll it again in your heart, and as it prospers in your heart, you prosper on the outside too. That’s revelation.


Job 22:23. A return to the almighty is a start of being rebuilt. You must make a deliberate decision to put away sin from your dealings. As a businessman, career man, put away sin. If you call on God while a sinner, you cannot have effect. You must not be found in certain places, there are things you are not to touch, things you must not do, if you are to benefit from kingdom prosperity. This is a personal, conscious decision you take.

The Love Of God

It is our prayer that God will renew and rekindle the fire of love for him and for man. This is the whole essence of Christianity, and we need it. It is what we are living for. Read 1 Cor 2:9-10. There are prepared things for God’s lovers.

2 Chronicals 16:9(2) ‘For the eyes of the LORD run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him”. A young man in our Kampala Church, who joined us just a year ago, has his business now running in millions. Why? The love of God. When your heart is right towards God, you prosper. Stay blessed in Jesus name.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Gratitude: Platform For A Blessed Life

Jesus said: Read. Luke 17/17-19. For the past years God has been faithful to us. He has done strange things a midst us. Even those that have hated us eventually end up being our friends. We are a blessed people.

We give God all the glory for making us a pacesetter; He continues to prosper and honor us.

God has also established us and we marvel at His wonderfulness for these years.
God has not only given us a place but a great name indeed; from a grain of a mustard seed’ but now see what the Lord has done. We owe God thanks, praise and gratitude because what has been done and established all these years is NOT us but God. It is the doing of the Lord and is marvelous in our eyes. We whole heartedly appreciate what God has done.

After these celebrations strangers shall begin to minister to you. Kings will call you forth and give you your heart’s desire. And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls and their kings shallminister unto thee; …Isaiah 60/10.

Because you are a part of us this day victory shall not depart from you in Jesus name.

Gratitude; Platform for a blessed life.

We thank God for understanding; no man can operate beyond the grace of God made available to him.
Even the wave of glory we have been privileged to enjoy has been by His grace.
Bishop D. Oyedepo said something that caught my attention that, “It is not the offering collections making things happen here, but the blessing of the Lord’. And this is not surprising because it has come to a point that even Muslims are sending their tithes as well as children to church because of their recognition of the blessing of God at work.

Many of those we call giants today in our churches were virtually on the ground when they walked into Jesus see what the blessing has made them become.

Very soon many will join us in worshipping our God because of the bursting forth   of the glory; indeed the blessing of the Lord at work. The same order of name. Your own life is being opened up to the next level of glory, but there is a responsibility.
Today we shall be sharing on the foundational key to stirring and maintaining the blessing of God and that key is GRATITUDE.

The golden law of the spirit says ‘whatever you will have men do unto you, do unto others’. It is a law of life. So if you want God to bless you then bless him first. If you can richly bless Him then His rich blessings become your right. But
The question is, ‘How do you bless God who created and owns everything? Ps 50/10,12.

Your giving does not bless God as many have come to believe. You do not give to God what He has and say you have blessed Him because the least is blessed by the better. You become blessed by your giving.

One thing that God will not give to Himself is praise, gratitude or appreciation. This is where we as children of God come in with understanding and embrace our responsibility.

Understand, one does not become king just because he calls himself so but is ratified when others recognize and call him so. The bible says, ‘In the multitude of the people is the king’s honor. That is why those that recognize God as their Lord and King are loved by Him. And God’s love will always provoke the blessing upon your life.
This is where gratitude comes in. Gratitude can be defined as willing uncoerced and conscious praise; from the heart of a man to God. If you will be blessed of God then you have to develop and maintain a heart of gratitude. I pray for your understanding towards what is being communicates for a life changing encounter with the blessings of God. To be blessed means to be empowered to prosper. When you are under blessings the face of the Lord shines unto you and the light of God’s countenance is upon you. Read Numbers 6:23-26.

The blessing of the Lord that makes one rich and prosperous be upon you. Just like Joseph, those who despised you will come to honor you. As earlier stated, if God is to bless you, you must first move God to be well disposed and favorable towards you. Bless God first. God never reacts but He responds to people; those whose hearts are grateful. Let your heart be a well of gratitude. What your heart says about God is what either motivates or demotivates Him towards you. Psalm 50:23.


Your giving and everything is still hat the mercy of the life of gratitude. This is to say whatsoever you do void of gratitude cannot move God.

As you receive the spirit and grace to live a life of gratitude the blessing of Good will begin to answer into your life from today in Jesus name.

Let us consider the life of man called Job:-

According to the scriptures the pinnacle to job’s profile was his heart – his perfect heart. Job 1/1 –

1.              According to the message in this bulletin define blessing.
2.              Do we bless God by our giving?
3.              What makes you blessed then?
4.              From your understanding what is gratitude.
5.              What happens if you frown against God?
6.              What does the golden law of the Spirit say?
All these questions are derived from today’s message. We will look at the correct answers together in our next bulletin.


Those who despised you will honor you. The blessing of the lord will begin to answer your life. From today your life will never remain the same. A Perfect heart is one full of gratitude towards God. A man of God once said that God has not done him one wrong all through his life. That is a perfect life; a perfect heart.

In one of our pastor’s meetings he said, “Everything good in his ministry is done by God. Every mistake you have ever seen I am the one that did it”. It comes as no surprise that the servant of God is thriving so greatly. We see the same heart of gratitude in the apostle Paul. He was always striving to have a conscience void of offence towards God and man. Despite all the beatings, shipwrecks, snake bites etc, that Paul faced in his life he had no offence towards God. May you come to a point in your life   never to be offended by God. When anything goes wrong may you, in humility and gratitude of heart see it as you and never God.

What have you that you have not received? Wisdom is to return all glory to God with a heart filled with gratitude. Deut. 3:/18.
 God will not abhor you for ingratitude because you shall be grateful. The withdrawal of God is the power of the devil; something he craved for over the life of Job. In one single day his property and children were all killed. Amazingly Job still worshipped God even after this massacre by the devil. Job 1:20. In the midst of challenges Job stood faithful even rebuking his wife. Job 2/10.

If you frown against God He will withdraw His presence from you. IN Job 42/10 we see God restoring him to twice as much as he was before. Despite losing everything during his trial he never cursed God.  A heart of gratitude indeed. Let your heart sing and leap for joy. God is not an evildoer but a Blesser. Let thanksgiving never cease from your heart. May the love of God be with you always.

As the teaching comes forth by the servant of God, as contained in this blog, may the blessedness of gratitude be reflected in your life. May your faith make thee whole. PEACE.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Spirit of Joy A Must Have For Every Believer

Welcome to today’s message.   I see this week delivering the ordained blessing to you In the precious name of Jesus.

. Jesus says in Jn. 6:63; It is the spirit that quickeneth……The words that I speak to you are Spirit and life. May the spirit of the word enter you to produce your desired change as you read this piece. May the testimonies of the saints herein act to you as a divine catalyst to release your own desired testimony. Peace to you!

God hath enacted a covenant that guarantees all round fruitfulness with the saints (those who have given their life to Jesus and following His ways). God spoke about this in Ez. 34:24-27.

 Christ has met all the requirements for the ratification of this covenant. Therefore this covenant is in force. Yet every believer needs the spirit of joy at work in the heart to be able to experience this covenant in operations.

The bible records in Is. 61:3 (the last statement) that every believer is to be called a tree of righteousness. Read Is 61:13.  Bearing fruits glorifies God, but bearing great fruits at their own season exalts Him more. Remember what Jesus rightly says; Read Jn. 15:5. That is to show you what manner of fruits you ought to bear as a believer; glorious fruits that will provoke attraction because it is the branch that holds the fruits. Your life becomes an expression of the goodness of divinity. You reflect and exhibit the glory of the roots. Revelations of the Scriptures in your spirit given by the Holy Ghost in which you walk is the life water and power that provokes your fruitfulness. But it’s amazing. The scripture says; Read Isaiah 12:3 Without joy, you have no access to revelations. This is the necessity of joyfulness which I think you need to foremost understand to help you make a decision. Revelations is the cause for kingdom fruitfulness.

Read Joel 1:10-12. May this never be your portion. But can you imagine? Despite the fact that these people are covenant children to whom the promises of God hath been given. They are still experiencing all this frustration, just because of one thing; their joy is withered off. Joyfulness is what satan takes away from the heart of a man that gives him the power to cause havoc.  Don’t allow it! Therefore joyfulness in God is a basic condition to be met for the covenant of God to have effect in your life. You must have come to understand that the service you render to Good without joyfulness is unacceptable (Deut. 28:47-48). Truly the offerings and tithes that you give to God without gladness of heart is not received by the Spirit (2 Cor. 9:7). So satan your adversary will do all he can to grieve you and hold you down with the spirit of sorrow and depression of heart are not emotional and psychological disorders as so called. They are demonic bonds to unfruitfulness. The end of sorrow in a life is the beginning of divine restoration. I pray for you that as you read this piece, the root of sorrow and depression. Understand therefore that sorrow and depression of heart are not emotional and psychological disorders as so called. They are demonic bonds to unfruitfulness. The end of sorrow in a life is the beginning of divine restoration. I pray for you that as you read this piece, the root of sorrow and depression tormenting your heart be uprooted. I pray that the yoke of grief and unfruitfulness lose its grip over you this day in the name of Jesus.

Joy means the effervescence of the spirit man. It means the uncontrollable bubbling and excitement of the soul. Joy means an uncontrolled delight welling up from within. Just like sorrow, grief and depression of the heart are products of demonic spirit oppression; joy of the heart is a function of the Holy Spirit at work within the inner man of a believer. This is why Paul lists this virtue of joy as part of the fruit of the spirit in Gal. 5:22. Paul constantly experiences this grace and refers to it as joy unspeakable (uncontrollable), full of glory (1 Pet. 1:8). It causes a constant rejoicing and bubbling inside even when things are wrong around you. When your spirit bubbles up. Everything wrong around you turns out right. But when you remain gloomy, things collapse the more. Oh, how you need this virtue! This is one of the ministries of the Holy Ghost in the believer. Read Isaiah. 61:2-3. I pray for the restoration of the spirit of joy in your soul this day. For every negative issue of your life, receive God’s help; for confusion, receive divine portions (Is. 61:7). I pray that as the oil of joy and garment of praise comes over you, you will begin to spring forth with great fruits. Hannah was fruitless, and her unfruitfulness was established because she was a woman of sorrowful spirit (1 Sam. 1:15) and she lived her life in bitterness of soul (1 Sam 1: 15) and she lived her life in bitterness of soul (1 Sam 1:10). This is despite her prayer life and fasting life perhaps. But immediately she dropped the garment of sorrow and her countenance was no longer sad because her heart became fixed onto the LORD, the LORD remembered her  and gave her a new song; Read 1 Sam.2:5. I see every sorrowful sound out of your heart turning to songs of testimonies before the end of this year, in Jesus mighty name. 

Thursday, 27 February 2014

The Word Of God The Beginning Of Joy

Take your eyes off what ought to have happened that has not happened and begin to meditate on God’s promises given by his word.

When you focus on negativity, it brings a cloud over your spirit man and in no short tie you are shrouded in the darkness of sorrow. But concentrating on God’s promises given to you in His word stimulates hope; that maketh not ashamed (Rom. 5:5) and this stimulates joy that activated the fulfillment of the word to testimonies. This is the life attitude of the wise. Jeremiah says; Thy words were found, and I did eat (meditate deeply) them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts (Jer.15:16). Yes! God’s word sweetens the soul. Begin to live your life exactly like Jesus lived His life; who for the joy (hope of future glory) set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is now set at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2).There is another level beyond what’s causing your grief now. Look into the word to see it and receive your joy back.

(I rejoice (O LORD) at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. psl 119:16.)

That’s David speaking. No wonder he bore fruits even in circumstances where others are barren. God’s promises are true basis for praising God. When you praise God for His word, He enlarges His word to you in revelations. And revelations cause your change. Why won’t you praise Him? Certain things have gone wrong despite! Oh! God is definitely the reason why all things haven’t gone wrong around you. Even the things that have gone wrong could have been worse if not for His mercies. Now He’s pointing you to the good things that will speedily come to pass. Begin to rejoice and begin to break forth on all sides as you receive the oil of joy and praise. These eight months remaining for the year, shall be seasons of harvest for you. Every valley of your life shall be filled with rainfall of His blessing. Peace to your heart, in Jesus Name!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

New Beginnings In Marriage

God has a standard and provision for establishing marital breakthroughs…

Math 19/4-6, Heb 13/4. Marriage is for honorable living and all round refreshing, Heb 3:4 It is not an accident or a coincidence, but built.

A.         It is for learners.
       Only committed learners become great leaders. Until you are willing to learn you are not qualified to lead, Heb 6/12.  Jesus affirmed this in Math 4/19, ‘Get to know my approach to issues, follow the same approach and you will get the same results.

B.         There is a demand
       God’s principal provision for new beginnings in your marital destiny is divine enlightenment has been the greatest need to may troubled lives or destinies today… Math 7/24-27.As long as there is insufficient light, shinning is impossible. God’s glory is withheld and darkness becomes inevitable.

       This means arise, be announced and be made manifest.

Prov. 3/35 says, The wise or spiritually enlightened shall inherit glory while Eccl. 8/1 states that, wisdom makes a man’s face to shine.

Once there are no more new discoveries or enlightenments there can be no more adventures in life. Go for daily divine enlightenment otherwise all you will end up with is plenty of darkness, very little shinning and God’s glory withheld.

We speak not of the volume of scriptures but access to his voice;not church attendance but  plenty of spiritual illumination

       Luke 2/52.A vital way of obtaining wisdom is learning and being taught. Wisdom is taught!! Prov 4/4-5

       Many marital destinies are so insensitive and careless. They lack divine enlightenment. How then do you recover?

1.           Desire to learn.
Abraham: When it was breakthrough time in the house of Abraham picked it and the wife and children collaborated.

Elisha as an honorable man of God. The husband responded and barrenness was terminated ….2 Kings 4/8-16.

2.           Alertness
Ezekiel: Be available to hear the voice of the spirit through which you enjoy a duplication and multiplication. You cannot covet to get you connect to get. Connectivity commands the flow of divine substance, enabling you to produce dramatically and amazingly. The glorious financial destiny of this great commission and the unusual supplies is as a result of the encounter with the cope lands.

The bible dictionary defines teaching as an act of instructing students or imparting knowledge and information. Teaching is a process of empowering the word, so you can see what God is saying concerning the subject matter.

The concept of teaching usually means receiving and walking in divine instructions. The word you understand is the word you retain and it is the word you retain that you do. From this day you will stand as an example to the unbeliever.

3.           Meekness to learn
       Abigail: Foolishness can be very costly. It was in the case of Nabal who had become so insensitive, unlearned and thick that it destroyed him.

1Sam 25/23-38
This month God will flood your life with spiritual enlightenment that guaranteed greater manifestations in your  marital destiny.

4.           Give him continuous praise
       High praised compel breakthroughs and divine recoveries. The Lord said to Israel through Moses, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: now turn you northward …’
Deaut 2/3.God’s provision for you is to be ever fruitful, ever productive, ever advancing. Therefore, ‘sing, o barren, Is 54/1-5.

       David was a praising saint. He acknowledged praying 3 times  a day and praising God 7 times daily. Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments Ps. 119:164

       Everything that sought tomes up his destiny ended up frustrated. At every stage of his life the enemy was frustrated just as every enemy of your marital destiny is herewith destroyed. PEACE

Micah's prophecies

 Micah's prophecies as seen in the above-shared verses, have not yet been fulfilled but will come to happen when Christ comes on earth a...