Tuesday 25 February 2014

New Beginnings In Marriage

God has a standard and provision for establishing marital breakthroughs…

Math 19/4-6, Heb 13/4. Marriage is for honorable living and all round refreshing, Heb 3:4 It is not an accident or a coincidence, but built.

A.         It is for learners.
       Only committed learners become great leaders. Until you are willing to learn you are not qualified to lead, Heb 6/12.  Jesus affirmed this in Math 4/19, ‘Get to know my approach to issues, follow the same approach and you will get the same results.

B.         There is a demand
       God’s principal provision for new beginnings in your marital destiny is divine enlightenment has been the greatest need to may troubled lives or destinies today… Math 7/24-27.As long as there is insufficient light, shinning is impossible. God’s glory is withheld and darkness becomes inevitable.

       This means arise, be announced and be made manifest.

Prov. 3/35 says, The wise or spiritually enlightened shall inherit glory while Eccl. 8/1 states that, wisdom makes a man’s face to shine.

Once there are no more new discoveries or enlightenments there can be no more adventures in life. Go for daily divine enlightenment otherwise all you will end up with is plenty of darkness, very little shinning and God’s glory withheld.

We speak not of the volume of scriptures but access to his voice;not church attendance but  plenty of spiritual illumination

       Luke 2/52.A vital way of obtaining wisdom is learning and being taught. Wisdom is taught!! Prov 4/4-5

       Many marital destinies are so insensitive and careless. They lack divine enlightenment. How then do you recover?

1.           Desire to learn.
Abraham: When it was breakthrough time in the house of Abraham picked it and the wife and children collaborated.

Elisha as an honorable man of God. The husband responded and barrenness was terminated ….2 Kings 4/8-16.

2.           Alertness
Ezekiel: Be available to hear the voice of the spirit through which you enjoy a duplication and multiplication. You cannot covet to get you connect to get. Connectivity commands the flow of divine substance, enabling you to produce dramatically and amazingly. The glorious financial destiny of this great commission and the unusual supplies is as a result of the encounter with the cope lands.

The bible dictionary defines teaching as an act of instructing students or imparting knowledge and information. Teaching is a process of empowering the word, so you can see what God is saying concerning the subject matter.

The concept of teaching usually means receiving and walking in divine instructions. The word you understand is the word you retain and it is the word you retain that you do. From this day you will stand as an example to the unbeliever.

3.           Meekness to learn
       Abigail: Foolishness can be very costly. It was in the case of Nabal who had become so insensitive, unlearned and thick that it destroyed him.

1Sam 25/23-38
This month God will flood your life with spiritual enlightenment that guaranteed greater manifestations in your  marital destiny.

4.           Give him continuous praise
       High praised compel breakthroughs and divine recoveries. The Lord said to Israel through Moses, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: now turn you northward …’
Deaut 2/3.God’s provision for you is to be ever fruitful, ever productive, ever advancing. Therefore, ‘sing, o barren, Is 54/1-5.

       David was a praising saint. He acknowledged praying 3 times  a day and praising God 7 times daily. Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments Ps. 119:164

       Everything that sought tomes up his destiny ended up frustrated. At every stage of his life the enemy was frustrated just as every enemy of your marital destiny is herewith destroyed. PEACE

Sunday 23 February 2014

Covenant Responsibilities In Marriage

When you notice absence of marital break through, it is your duty to dig and find out why or what is making for the unfaithfulness. It is of great importance to note that God is never to blame nor has the devil any power over the life of a man who walks under the covenant. Hosea 4/6 You must therefore be sensitive to identify which covenant responsibilities are missing per time, so you can increase our fruitfulness.

A. Relationship with parents

There are many marital destinies, business and families that are not well today because one is yet to, ‘honor thy father and thy mother …’ .You have an undeniable responsibility towards your parent. Relating to them well and caring for their well being should be of utmost importance to you. And that is why many are tithing and sowing yet nothing is forthcoming because this major covenant is out of place. There is something in parental blessings; long life (Eph 6/3) protection, peace, lifting all round your life etc and you ought to go after it. Parental blessings are as important as blessings from God. Gen 27/3-4 They are what connect you to breakthrough in life. It is your covenant responsibility to honour your parents according to the level that God has blessed you. If this has not been your lifestyle repent and even sow a seed into their lives. Ensure that you include them in your covenant relationship with God. Watch what will happen.

B. Lack of focus in life

Many lack marital breakthroughs because they have become Lot’s wife in life and destiny .Only those who look forward go forward in life! …Luke 9/62. Exploits in the kingdom have their roots in knowledge of God. Dan 11/32. Those who know their God, not those who cry or weep nor those who run around shall do exploits. I see your life being filled  with exploits in Jesus name.

Your problem is not out of the happenings around but from within you as  a person. The knowledge of God does not bring one down it lifts you up. Do not say, ‘It is because I am a Christian. If I was still there like I was before, dong the things I used to …’ Beware, otherwise you will become a pillar of salt. Those who look back don’t see the front, neither do they get to the front. 

There is nothing that has value out of God. Nothing but a bitter end is all there is outside salvation …Eccl 7/8. There is nothing you  need that is not provided for in the bible so goo for it. Any relationship that will not let you walk with God will walk you down hell. Be focused and Jesus will make you the star that God ordained you to be.

Parental blessings are as important as blessings from  God.. gen 27/3-4.

C. Holding on to that does not profit.

1) Forgive and forget beloved. Math 1823-25

If anyone has offended, injured disappointed or owes you and you know he is not in a position  to pay, forgive and forget. Asking why? God has more for you than what  any man owes you. Do not bind your brother or sister because of offence. Fear has torments. Perfect love casts out fear.

2) Treat people well …Luke 10/7

When you have people work for you and you are leaving in splendor without considering them, you are a fraud. It is here that your business stops to flourish and life becomes a misery. Reward the people for their diligent service and allow them to grow as well. Remember Joseph? Maid or slave today  is not going to be one tomorrow, so do not despise or look down upon him, treat him/her well.

From today you shall be reckoned with by all around you as very great. There shall be no more leakages in your finance, but harvest.

3) Be diligent.

Breakthrough, affluence or glory never comes by accident but by input. Prov 22/29. There is dignity in labor. Anything that will profit your life must be worked on. Jesus said, I must work ….. “ He also said, “My father worketh” John 5/17. Paul labored, 1 Cor 15/10. There is no future for the idle in the kingdom, 2 Thes 3/10.The prosperous church is a doing believer,….and whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper, Ps 1/3. It is time to start working things out! Is 3/10.

4) Give it all you have got.

Black has nothing to do with the colour of your destiny. Slothfulness and lack of commitment to life and destiny or responsibilities  is what makes you ‘black’, songs of Sol. 1/6  put in your best in making most of what you have per time. There is enough provision around where you are. May you find it.

Give it all you have got and the covenant will locate you, your lifting will come and your future secured. Eccl 9/10.

Have joy in working out the best of every relationship. There is a great future awaiting you. Never be caught doing nothing or envying others. It is time to take back your position as a pace setting and blessed believer. From now on you will enjoy marital bliss in Jesus mighty name.

Friday 21 February 2014

When the family succeeds, everything succeeds! (Psalm 11:3).

Marital breakthrough arises with the coming together of man and woman for the purpose of impacting their world. You are here to fulfill divine purpose and the ultimate for everyone is therefore fulfillment.
Without impact at home, you can never have value on the field. God is set out to repackage you, through teachings in this word, in a manner where you will command value both at home and in the field. You will be established in marriage with definite with definite impacts and effectiveness in life and ministry.

Your destiny shall be colorful for you are a child of destiny. Read Rom 8:20. BE BLESSED.

            Marital Foundation

God: In every home, God must be first and the central focus. I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; or without me ye can do nothing…John 15:5.

Family: Love and care is the utmost from your family and Christian testimony. Therefore let whatever you confess and profess be evident in your home.

Job/Ministry: Your good inside is what will show outside. If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct. Read Eccl 10:10

Responsibilities In The Home:

The husband

The husband is the head of the home and has the following responsibilities:-

Provide for the home: It is the duty of the husband to absolutely provide for the home in accordance to the blessing of God upon man….1 Tim 5:8
       Rule the house well: He is to accept responsibility for what happens in the home; positive or negative. Eve took the fruit but God called Adam. Treat your wife with honor and dignity. Read Gen 3

       Direct the home: The husband is to show the way out and forward at all times and to ensure there is no tension, crisis or struggle.

Let us then look at the wife’s place for responsibilities. Responsibility is the price for greatness.

The Wife:  (The homemaker)

Submission: Is willingness to put yourself under authority. It is an act of willingness and not weakness. It is unconditional, profound respect and acceptance. Eph 5/22,1  Pet 3/11-12.

Manage well: Means operating in selflessness and not selfishly! It is  to keep records and maintain self ,control. It is possessing and displaying covenant sense as well as being an example in the family….proverbs 3110, 27.

Be a help mate indeed:  It is about being a helper, supporter and a contributor. Be a blessing and not a burden as you help to maintain focus and not distraction. I see your contributions always taking your marriage and family forward in Jesus mighty name.

The individual responsibilities of the spouses are as crucial as the joint responsibilities. And what are these?

Joint Responsibilities.

Parental care: Promote honor unto your parents; both the maternal and paternal. Honor to your father, mother and for one another must be a family culture. Jointly decide to care for your parents. Raise the children in unity and with respect for their grandparents …Proverbs 20/20.

Challenges To Family Unity.

Going beyond bounds: Maintain control in your home as you keep your wife and children in check. Control should also be applied when speaking, in actions and exposures.
Money matters: Stay on the watch for wrong priorities, poor management, lack of accountability, uneven allocation, breaking of kingdom covenant demands hindered access or keeping of secrets.

Communication: It is the mortar that holds the family together. Spend  time together with the children.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Effect Of The Spirit Of Love In The Believer.

            The spirit of love purifies your soul unto righteousness.
         If you love people they will love you back hence the spirit of love gives you a place in life. By purifying your heart, the spirit of love delivers you from deadly emotions very capable of destroying you and your destiny. When you practice love unto God and to other men you are actually purifying your soul. Read (1 Pet 1:22).

         Handle issues in love for that is where your own glory lies. Rather than to condemn, pray for others that God may deliver them. The more you walk in love the more you are purified. Paul was a man free from bitterness hence he was holy. He was full of glory and power. Free your heart from bitterness with all men, live in love and remain therein.

         Learn to forgive every of your offender. Well, they may make you angry but do not live in perpetual anger for that is sin. Read (Eph 4:26).

         Also speak the truth in love rather than to gossip or speak ill of another. Live your life by love and you will flourish.

         You cannot love God and say you do not love the brethren around you. Despite all he went through in the hands of his brothers and in Potiphar’s house Joseph carried on as if nothing had happened. That is the spirit of love. Read 1Cor 13:4-8.

2.            A love life preserves you in the faith until you are blessed. Read Rom 8:35-37. The fulfillment of the law is love, says the word of God. The spirit of love empowers you against doing evil both in the open and in the secret.

         Those who partake in the nature of Christ will partake of his blessings too.

Read Gen 3:7-9. Love constrained and motivated Joseph against evil. The one you love you will walk to please and not offend. That is even why Paul referred to himself as the servant of God; a bond man.

After Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he asked them not to worry nor had they done him evil! Love indeed!! Read Gen 45:5-7. Joseph became great because he was a man of love and God gave him favor before Pharaoh then lifted him up.

We are children of God, all of us having treat destinies to fulfill but it takes holiness and righteousness to fulfill it. The spirit of love is the cleansing power of the spirit. In all of us is the spirit of love but it is high time we stirred it up. Read Rom 5:5 1 Tim 1:6.

When an issue arises do not react but stop and ask yourself how love would respond. Once you are clear then RESPOND ACCORDING TO LOVE. God is faithful.

Micah's prophecies

 Micah's prophecies as seen in the above-shared verses, have not yet been fulfilled but will come to happen when Christ comes on earth a...